Antey is 26 today
01 April 2023

Antey is 26 today

The history of ANTEY is a 26-year history of challenges and accomplishments, the history of a thorny but interesting path to the title of Leader of the Branch.

The history of a company that continues its development and improvement for the comfort of our customers, the success of our partners, the support of our country and the flourishing of the plumbing industry.

26 years of prosperity of our company is the undoubted merit of our WOW-team! True leaders, inspiring people, indestructible and courageous citizens of their country.

Today we THANK YOU - our entire friendly team, our partners and like-minded people, our beloved customers! Everyone who has been going hand in hand with ANTEY for all these years. But especially those who fight for our today and make our tomorrow possible.

We believe that next year we will have a reason to celebrate not only the 27th annyversary of ANTEY, but also our long-awaited Victory!